Data and Reports

Interactive Tableau Data Dashboards
In an effort to ensure that the data the West Virginia Office of Nursing Education and Workforce Development collects is accessible and usable to the public and all stakeholders, the Office continues to work on creating Interactive Tableau Data Dashboards on Tableau Public to ensure data is digestible, informative, and easy to access. Be sure to regularly check back on this page for updates of new data dashboards as they become available.
Data Reports
Other Reports
Other Organization's Data Resources
WV Healthlink - A primary care access map that compares the ability to travel to and acquire an appropriate and affordable level of healthcare service within a short travel time throughout West Virginia. This map was created by the West Virginia University Geography Department with funding provided by the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission.
West Virginia Rural Health Association Health Data Portal - A data portal that provides datasets and visualizations exploring West Virginia’s health statistics, workforce resources, health outcomes, services and facilities. This resource is managed by the West Virginia Rural Health Association.
Do you know of valuable data that will help us better understand the nursing workforce in West Virginia? Email us at!