Statewide Plan to Address the Nursing Shortage

he West Virginia Center for Nursing (Center) is charged by W.Va. §30-7B with crafting a statewide strategic plan to address the nursing shortage in West Virginia. Pursuant to this directive, we are seeking to engage with nursing partners and other stakeholders across the state in the crafting of this plan to ensure all voices are heard and represented.
The Center was created by the Legislature after a recommendation from the Nursing Shortage Study Commission in May 2005. The Study Commission found there was a need for an organization to develop solutions to the key issues affecting nurses in the state. The Center was restructured by the Legislature in 2014 to focus on nursing scholarships and nursing workforce data. Since this restructuring, the Center has been housed with the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission. Current work of the Center includes but is not limited to:
- Creating models like the West Virginia Junior and Senior Nursing Academy and Nursing Residency.
- Conducting surveys of nursing employers and educators.
- Gathering nursing workforce data
- Administering the West Virginia Nursing Scholarship Program
- Supporting the recruitment and retention of nurses in West Virginia
To this end, we have outlined a broad structure for crafting and implementing a strategic plan to address the nursing shortage in the state. On the subsequent pages of this document, you will find this structure. We encourage you to have your voice heard and offer suggestions in the crafting of this plan so that we are sure our recommendations represent all stakeholders in West Virginia.
Timeline of the Planning Process
By September 2020 (submission to Center by September 2nd, 2020)
- Gather strategic plan ideas from West Virginia nursing advocacy and leadership organizations to be presented at the September 2020 WV Center for Nursing Board of Director’s meeting.
- Advocacy groups include, but are not limited to:
- Future of Nursing West Virginia
- West Virginia Nurses Association
- West Virginia Organization of Nurse Executives
- West Virginia Association of Nurse Anesthetists
- West Virginia’s chapter of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners
- West Virginia’s affiliate group of the American College of Nurse Midwives
- Advocacy groups include, but are not limited to:
- Gather strategic plan ideas from West Virginia nursing advocacy and leadership organizations to be presented at the September 2020 WV Center for Nursing Board of Director’s meeting.
By November 2020 (submission by November 4th, 2020)
- Gather strategic plan ideas from West Virginia nursing employer groups to be presented at the November 2020 WV Center for Nursing Board of Director’s meeting.
- Nursing employer groups include but are not limited to:
- West Virginia Healthcare Association
- West Virginia Hospital Association
- West Virginia Primary Care Association
- West Virginia Rural Health Association
- West Virginia Public Health Association
- Nursing employer groups include but are not limited to:
- Gather strategic plan ideas from West Virginia nursing employer groups to be presented at the November 2020 WV Center for Nursing Board of Director’s meeting.
By January 2021 (submission by January 1st, 2021)
- Gather strategic plan ideas from West Virginia Nursing Education groups to be presented at the January 2020 Board of Director’s meeting.
- Nursing education groups include but are not limited to:
- West Virginia Association of Deans and Directors of Nursing Education
- West Virginia League of Nursing
- West Virginia Student Nurse Association
- The Center will review the compiled version of the plan from all stakeholders and vote to release it to the public for a 30-day comment period. Additional feedback from nurses, organizations and stakeholders will be gathered during the 30-day public comment period.
- Nursing education groups include but are not limited to:
- Gather strategic plan ideas from West Virginia Nursing Education groups to be presented at the January 2020 Board of Director’s meeting.
By March 2021
- Comments and feedback will be divided among the Future of Nursing West Virginia workgroups and West Virginia Center for Nursing board members and staff. Public comments will be reviewed and incorporated into the draft if relevant. The workgroups include practice, education, leadership, culture of health projects, and shared data. These groups will review and meet leading up to May 2021 Board of Director’s meeting.
By May 2021
- The Center’s Board of Directors will review and vote to approve the strategic plan at their May 2021 meeting. Following the approval of the plan, it will be released publicly on the Center’s website, through a press release, and on the Center’s social media. Copies of the plan will also be transmitted to all organizations who were involved in the planning process.
The Strategic Plan draft is now available for review by the public for comment for the next 30 days. You may submit your comments to (please put "strategic plan public comment" in the subject line) or by utilizing the "Contact Us" form found on this website.
All public comments must be received by February 28, 2021.
After the conclusion of the public comment period, all submissions will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and the Future of Nursing workgroups to incorporate them into the broader plan.