The West Virginia Center for Nursing Releases 2015 Employment and Wage data for West Virginia Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, and Advanced Practice Nurses The West Virginia Center for Nursing has released 2015 Employment and Wage data for registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and advanced practice nurses for West Virginia and surrounding states, and for …
The West Virginia Center for Nursing awards $225,000 in scholarships-News Release The West Virginia Center for Nursing announces that 76 students will receive funds totaling $225,000 as part of the Nursing Scholarship Program for the 2016-17 academic year. The program, which is administered by the West Virginia Center for Nursing in conjunction with the …
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Find additional Nursing scholarship opportunities for MSN, Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Midwives and Doctoral Students. Additional Nursing Scholarship Opportunities 2016-2017
Drema Pierson, RN, MSN, MBA, Administrator, West Virginia Center for Nursing is retiring. “It has been a privilege and a pleasure working with the WVCN Board of Directors and nursing community to advance the mission and vision of the West Virginia Center for Nursing.” “I am grateful for the opportunity to have been part of …
In order to comply with the service obligation requirements associated with your Nursing Scholarship Program, you must verify your employment as a nurse working or teaching nursing in West Virginia in order to avoid repayment. The terms as outlined in the Promissory Note you signed requires continued employment in West Virginia after graduating (two years …
We are pleased to direct you to the new West Virginia Center for Nursing Scholarship Program Application and Program Overview. The application deadline is June 1 even if you are applying for only the Fall or only the Spring semester. When applying for Fall/Spring, you will no longer be required to reapply, your school can …
Find additional Nursing scholarship opportunities for MSN, Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Midwives and Doctoral Students. Additional Nursing Scholarship Opportunities 2016-2017
The West Virginia Center for Nursing is pleased to announce the Governor’s appointment and reappointment of board members! Newly appointment board members to the West Virginia Center for Nursing are: Brenda Mason representing BSN and higher degree programs, Greg Chiartas, representing the WV LPN Board of Examiners, Ron Moore, representing Directors of Nursing, Gerald Bragg, representing …
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