

The West Virginia Office of Nursing Education and Workforce Development leads strategies to support the education, recruitment, and retention of nurses in West Virginia. We believe in creating long-term solutions that forge a better future for all nursing professions in the state through collaboration with other nursing partners.


The West Virginia Center for Nursing (WVCFN) was created in May 2005 at the recommendation of the Nursing Shortage Study Commission (Study Commission). The Study Commission found that an organization was needed to figure out solutions to key issues areas affecting nurses. The issue areas included:

    • Creating healthy work environments and job satisfaction
    • Finding funding for nursing students and continuing education
    • Evaluating nursing education programs
    • Forming alliances with initiatives that leverage support and funding

The WVCFN was restructured in 2014 by the West Virginia Legislature to focus on nursing scholarships and nursing workforce data. After the restructuring, the WVCFN was moved to be organized within the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission while still maintaining its status as a seperate organization. Since its creation, the WVCFN became a hub of activity to support its goals. Through continued innovation, the WVCFN worked to:

    • Create models like the Junior Nursing Academy and the Nursing Residency Program
    • Conduct surveys with employers and educators
    • Gather data on nursing workforce
    • Administer the Nursing Scholarship Program
    • Support the recruitment and retention of nurses in West Virginia

The WVCFN was eliminated by HB 5175 in 2024, but its duties and responsibilities were transferred to the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission through the creation of a new division within the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission called the West Virginia Office of Nursing Education and Workforce Development. The new organization is charged with the following:

    • Promoting and coordinating, through the schools of nursing in the state's institutions of higher education, opportunities for nurses prepared at the certificate, associate degree, and bachelor degree levels to obtain higher degrees.
    • Supporting initiatives for expansion of nursing programs.
    • Administering the nursing scholarship program designed to benefit nurses who practice or teach in state nursing programs as provided in 18C-3-4.
    • Gathering, quantifying and disseminating dependable data on current nursing education programs and workforce capacities.
    • Other activities necessary or expedient to accomplish the purposes.